
The following table lists publications using the AMELIA dataset. The datsets published via this website has been slightly edited. The publications from 2016 and before might not lead to the very exact simulation results:


author(s) year title source
Bruch 2019  Applying the rescaling bootstrap under imputation: a simulation study  Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, Volume 89, 2019 – Issue 4
Berger et al. 2016 Estimating Income Poverty and Inequality from Income Classes (Deliverable 23.1)  InGRID – project output
 Graf et al. 2011 Parametric Estimation of Income Distributions and Indicators of Poverty and Social Exclusion (Deliverable 2.1)  AMELI – project output
 Lehtonen et al. 2011 Small Area Estimation of Indicators on Poverty and Social Exclusion
(Deliverable 2.2)
 AMELI – project output
 Bruch et al. 2011  Variance Estimation for Complex Surveys
(Deliverable 3.1)
  AMELI – project output
 Hulliger et al. 2011  Report on the Simulation Results (Deliverable 7.1)   AMELI – project output
 Kolb et al. 2011  Policy Use of Indicators on Poverty and Social Exclusion (Deliverable 9.1)   AMELI – project output